Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Friday!

Its Friday! I can't believe I made it through the ENTIRE week and I am still standing. Some people know this but I don't think I have put this anywhere but I babysit out of my home. The idea started after Keegan got sick but it really didn't make much sense because we had to watch the germs/people that we exposed Kee to.  After Keegan passed away I was unsure of where I and what I wanted to do. I had spent the last year and half at home as the primary care taker for my son, I didn't honestly feel like going right out into the work force was the best idea for me.

I started small. I watched one little girl who was about to turn two with plans to watch my nephew Matthew when he was born in February. My plan got kinda thwarted when the mom of the little girl I was watching got laid off. So....I put a message out of facebook and within a week I started watching a 3 year old and it was an amazing decision. She makes me smile, warms my heart on a daily basis. My nephew came along and after my sister's maternity leave I began watching forward 5 months and I have a house full!

In the state of Indiana you can 5 kids if you are not licensed and I don't plan on getting licensed so that is the max I will take. I have been hovering around 2-3 kiddos on a  daily basis for about 2 months now. However; the mom of the three year old I watch recommended me to her friend that was returning to work after a couple month hiatus. She has 2 kiddos and they started this week.

On Monday it was a bit challenging but by the end of the day today I can say we are in a much better place. I love children and I actually have a degree in Elementary Ed so this is right up my ally. If I am not mean to be a mom to babies here on earth right now, I will settle for this. I love these kids with all my heart.

{Just a little insight into my life}

PS-did you notice we are 89% to our goal for Peach's Neet feet in honor of Keegan's Birthday on Septmeber 23rd? Should we up the anty?

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