Friday, November 9, 2012

It Hurts

Theses last couple days it has been mounting. Im not sure why or if  it's just gonna be like this through the holidays but it hurts. I miss him so much it literally hurts. I can barely type this because I am crying so much. Its been over 11 months since I saw him smile, changed his diaper or got a love tap on my shoulder. I miss you baby more than I can even adequately describe in words.

I love you baby, mommy miss you so much.

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Friday, November 2, 2012


While writing has always been cathartic for me, I am finding myself at a loss of words these days. I think I will continue this break for a little while longer. I just can't seem to get up the energy to hammer out a post. The thoughts are there, I just am having trouble getting them to blogger.
I shall return, pink promise!
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