Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our New Digs....

We are officially back at the Ronald McDonald house! Our new room is smaller but cozier which I happen to like, feels a little more like "home". We are on the "newer" side of the older side of the house on the bottom floor which we are both very excited about, it has a way homier feel than the side we were on last week. I encourage those of you wanting to send us cards, letters, etc. to send it here rather than to the hospital, less people dealing with it. So with that said (and by no means am I asking for ANYTHING, I just know people wanted an address as soon as we had one) we can be reached at:

Ronald McDonald House
c/o Ryan & Beth Chupp Room 4
435 Limestone Dr
Indianapolis IN 46202

Hopefully I can post some pics of our humble abode tomorrow or something once we get more settled in!


  1. Hi! I had sent you an email a few weeks ago but it must have gone to spam or something :) "Blair" asked her blog friends if any us us could help w/ room decor for Keegan. I'd be happy to make you a banner for his room. I just wanted to know if there was anything special you like it to say?
    Courtney @ Sullivan & Sawyer Baby Co.

  2. oh - my email address is courtney at graycatstudio dot ca

  3. my thoughts and lots of prayers are with you guys chris keeps me up to date on your very hard journey love you jennifer rexing

  4. I just found your blog from "Not Mommy of the Year" who wrote about the story Raising Madison did on her blog about your son...

    Please know that your family, especially sweet little Keegan, are in my prayers. I live in Indy and volunteer in the NICU at St. Vincent Women's as I'm working on earning my nursing degree. I know how quickly things can change for a preemie, but I cannot imagine getting this type of news.

    If there is anything I can possibly do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.

    God Bless,


We love feedback; however, if you have nothing nice, encouraging, uplifting or insightful to say don't say anything at all. Thank You!