Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Countdown is on.....
We are T-13 days until the BIG ULTRASOUND! Yesterday at my monthly doctors appointment, Dr Mann said it was that time and a big smile lit across my face. We have been out and about and there are so many things we could have "picked up" but because most everything is gender based, blah, we have not. Needless to say, Friday June 12th should be a glorious day! I don't know what I am going to do to busy my time between now and then, all we want to do is know what baby Chuppalupagus is! OH and by the way, heartbeat was 142 ish. Wait gain only up 5 lbs from last month!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Technically 17 weeks 1 day.....
So this is not going to be a long post, I am really not in the mood. Yesterday was day 17 and we spent the day looking at nursery furniture. I think we finally found something decent for an "okay" price. This is a big hurdle because I had been looking at all different kinds from all different vendors for weeks. I do want to pay cash only so it will be another couple of weeks before we can walk in and purchase everything we want, but oh what a good feeling that will be not to have to finance! Ry is out of town for a couple of days, which is always hard on me but somehow I will manage, my mom gets home tonight from a visit to my aunt Jacky's lake house so it will be good to have her home! This week the baby is the size of an:
This is Crown to Rump length people, I was a little confused at first myself but once I realized this it made more sense. Anyway, so generally speaking I am feeling good, I feel and look more pregnant everyday and its kinda nice not just being mistaken for being overweight! I have a doctors appointment On Friday, this appointment we should schedule our BIG ultrasound but with Ryan being out of town in PA from May 31st through June 8th and me going to insurance school from June 15- June 19th only leaves about 4 days in the next 3 weeks to get it done, I sure hope they can fit us in!
Best Moment of the Week: Finally picking out our furniture!
Movement: I think so but I will need to ask the Doc on Friday!
Food Cravings: Chicken Mini's from the wonderful Chick-Fil-A
Gender: Girl, girl and girl, lets hope!
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or Out: In
Stretch Marks: Sadly yes, a few on each of my hips!
What I miss: Big FAT Subway sandwichs!
What I am looking forward to: Scheduling our big ultrasound!
Milestones: do stretchmarks count-hehe!
Sorry no picture, yesterday was a bad day and now Ry is out of town until Thursday!

Best Moment of the Week: Finally picking out our furniture!
Food Cravings: Chicken Mini's from the wonderful Chick-Fil-A
Gender: Girl, girl and girl, lets hope!
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or Out: In
Stretch Marks: Sadly yes, a few on each of my hips!
What I miss: Big FAT Subway sandwichs!
What I am looking forward to: Scheduling our big ultrasound!
Milestones: do stretchmarks count-hehe!
Sorry no picture, yesterday was a bad day and now Ry is out of town until Thursday!

Saturday, May 23, 2009
You just have to bake it not mix it...
These are words from the wonderful Ryan A. Chupp. We were laying on the couch on this lovely Saturday morning when I started to "investigate" the small road maps that have begun to form on my hips, yes ladies and gents wonderful stretch marks. So far there are a couple of each side which of coarse means I need to step up the application of Coco Butter ASAP! So we were laying there and I said "honey, look!" and he looked and said, "Yep stretch marks!" and the way he said it made me crack up! Then he looked down at the belly and said , " aww poor baby mommy doesnt mean to shake you." then he said, "all you have to do it bake it, not mix it," of coarse in refrence to my giggling belly! It was definatly a funny moment and I just wanted to share and be able to look back at this post one day and laugh!
Have a great Saturday!
Have a great Saturday!
Monday, May 18, 2009
10 + 6 = 16, yes 16 weeks folks!

Nothing really big or exciting has happened in the last week. Like I posted in the 15 week post, I think I have begun to feel the little thing moving around in there but I am still unsure. I did have a bad weekend, I was in a horrific mood Saturday, Just ask Ry bless his heart and on Sunday I woke up with a really bad headache and vomited once. I really miss not being able to pop some Aleve when my headaches get that bad. Next Friday May 29th we have our 5 month appointment, I guess it will be the 5 month, I will be 17wks 4days! Hopefully then he will schedule an ultrasound for determining the sex, we are getting more and more anxious.
On the home front, our bathroom is 99% back in order, we have a working shower/bathtub and the walls are repainted, I feel one step closer to having our house back. Ryan is doing such an amazing job I am so thankful he is good at all things home improvement!
But other than all this, still feeling pretty good, I feel fat again and not so pregnant but I think that just comes with the territory! I have found some more cheap maternity pants and some skirts that I should be able to wear for awhile, the thought of dresses and skirts is thrilling to me, no restrictiveness! Oh By the Way, continue to THINK PINK, I am secretly hoping for a girl-its the only name we are 100% settled on never mind the fact that I think I am carrying a girl because my butt has already gotten HUGE!
Food Cravings: M & M's
Gender: Girl, girl and girl
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or Out: In
Stretch Marks: None yet
What I miss: Aleve and Feta Cheese on a Greek Salad from Panera!
What I am looking forward to: Bigger movement and our BIG ultrasound!
Milestones: 16 weeks-YEA!

Monday, May 11, 2009
15 weeks.....

Yesterday was Mother's day. Ryan and I had my Mom and Mike, Mary Ellen and Banks, and Abby and John over for dinner. Everyone brought a dish and we cooked out hot dogs, hamburgers, and bratwursts. It was oh so yummy. We gave mom a picture frame with "Grandkids" on it and a picture from our first ultrasound. Even though I let mom know last week not to get me anything, she showed up with a gift bag and a bouquet of flowers. She and Mike got me a pink T-shirt that says "Rookie Mom", how cute is that, and a maternity white tank top. Mary Ellen, Abby and the boys bought me a pedicure, now that I can have one, at Absolute Beauty Day Spa! I look forward to that day!
We started looking closer at nursery furniture, we are torn between spending good money for a set that will last forever or going to IKEA getting a whole set for what I would pay for a crib and it not lasting until the teenage years. We are still undecided but working toward a solution for our problem!
Laura and I went to baby-pa-looza on Saturday, I signed up for free stuff, got a free package of new born diapers, 2 packages of wipes, 3 free onesesy from Babies-r-us for pre-registering and lots of other cool stuff! I can't wait until we find out who/what baby Chupp is, we can start registering and buying things.
Best Moment of the Week: thinking that I am feeling the first movement from Baby Chupp.
Food Cravings: Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
Gender: Still sticking with girl, as long as its not a hermie.
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or Out: In but belly button ring may have to come out soon.
Stretch Marks: None yet
What I miss: McCafe Coffee from Mc Donalds
What I am looking forward to: My Doctors appointment on 5/29/09
Milestones: first movement, for the most part the eurpyness has stopped!
**Picture will have to be posted later, no one is here to take it of me right now.**
Friday, May 8, 2009
So last night I had 2 terrible dreams, I thought I read somewhere that dreams when you are pregnant are a lot more vivid but I don't know for sure. But anyway, So in my first dream Ryan decided he wanted to leave me! I was devastated, I don't really remember why or what it was over but he was moving back up to northern Indiana with Lexus and Duncan! I woke up from that dream F-r-e-a-k-i-n-g out! I went on to have another horriable dream, I was on someones boat and a nurse came up and gave me and ultrasound but they were having trouble finding the baby's heartbeat, I woke up before they ever could, needless to say it was one of those nights! I pray I don't have either dream again anytime soon!
I did take today off of work. I got up went to my family physicians office to have blood drawn b/c I think my Thyroid levels are way off. When I got there the chick told me that my dr., we will cal him Dr. Inz, said my OB would have to do it! I was furious, why did I make an appointment with them and show up only to be told someone else had to draw my blood! I was livid when I left the office. I then brought dounuts and milk to mom at work, we saw and ate a couple and chatted. It was nice to hang out with mom for a minute! I wanted to get grocery shopping out of the way so I tackeled Wal-Mart next, not too bad and I can say I am done grocery shopping for the time being.....I am not sure what the rest of the day will entail, a nap perhaps or start to clean this filthy house....only time will tell!
I did take today off of work. I got up went to my family physicians office to have blood drawn b/c I think my Thyroid levels are way off. When I got there the chick told me that my dr., we will cal him Dr. Inz, said my OB would have to do it! I was furious, why did I make an appointment with them and show up only to be told someone else had to draw my blood! I was livid when I left the office. I then brought dounuts and milk to mom at work, we saw and ate a couple and chatted. It was nice to hang out with mom for a minute! I wanted to get grocery shopping out of the way so I tackeled Wal-Mart next, not too bad and I can say I am done grocery shopping for the time being.....I am not sure what the rest of the day will entail, a nap perhaps or start to clean this filthy house....only time will tell!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
14 weeks today!

Yea! We have made it out of the first trimester, and boy had I seen my better days! "They" say that I should be getting my energy back, quit throwing up as much and the tender boobs should start to fade.....hopefully I will experience this sooner than later!
I went to the doctor on Friday the 1st. Everything went well. He got out his handy dandy little doppler and I got to hear the heartbeat again. This time it ranged from 155-168 bpm. I think he/she knew we were listening and wanted to show off. I did get a chance to ask the doctor a couple of questions that were burning in my mind. According to the ultrasound last week, we were dating 5 days further along; so I asked him if this would change my due date. He and I had a little bit of a talk about it and decided that he wanted to change it to November 2nd, I was okay with this, after all it is just an estimated date, who know when he/she will actually arrive! I asked him if I could eat hot dogs....I have been craving a good hot dog but my "what to expect book" says not to eat them because of nitrates/nitrites, he said I was okay to eat one or two, and reminded me its all about moderation! I also asked him about mowing the lawn and helping to paint the house. He said okay to both which was encouraging to me, I am sick of feeling like a bump on a log!
So I left the doctor feeling pretty good, my next appointment is scheduled for May 29th at that point I will be 16 wks 4 days and will probably schedule the ultrasound so we can find out the sex of the baby! We are very excited and have been throwing around some more boy names just in case is isn't a girl (since we have the girls name set).
Best Moment of the Week: Finding some more kick but maternity clothes at Kohl's WAY cheap!
Movement: None yet, just gas!
Food Cravings: Pizza, Pizza and Bread sticks!Best Moment of the Week: Finding some more kick but maternity clothes at Kohl's WAY cheap!
Gender: I think its a girl, Ryan is unsure
Labor Signs: None yet, thank goodness
Belly Button in or Out:In, lets hope it doesn't pop or Rexx wont come around.
Stretch Marks: None yet, applying that coco butter like there is no tomorrow.
What I miss: Taking Ibuprofen for headaches!
What I am looking forward to: Looking pregnant instead of fat!
Milestones: We are out of the first trimester!
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