Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our First Surgery

This is just a quick update as I am sitting in our hotel room in downtown Indy. We came up today to see the Pediatric Neurosurgeon and she thinks it urgent enough that we stay. She is operating on him tomorrow afternoon to place a shunt in the back of Keegan's head to drain the fluid in his head. I will post detail later and all that good stuff but I just wanted to give a quick update!

Praying for Keegan!


  1. I will definitely be praying for you!! Be strong & everything will go great!


  2. I'll be in Indy tomorrow if you need anything!

  3. God Bless you and your family. I admire your strength and faith so much. I will say a prayer for you tonight.

  4. It's going to be ok, Beth! The shunt will do him a world of good, and will allow you to progress with regular baby daily life things once he's healed. Surgery is scary, for sure, but this is the most common neuro surgery these guys do. Oddly enough, they view it as a very 'simple' surgery, even if to us as mothers, it's brain surgery. *hugs*

  5. Hope it all goes well for your sweet little boy!

  6. Just checking in on you guys... I've been waiting for an update!


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