Back on Monday I was supposed to update the blog it being week 34 and all. Not a lot to update but I was going to post a picture of the huge belly and talk about the joys of bed rest. Well, I didn't get around to it Tuesday because I felt like crap all day and ended up in Triage that night. Who would have known and Tuesday night I would be admitted to Triage only to be "admitted" to the women's hospital and induced for labor later that evening.
Lets Start on Saturday the 19th, one week ago. I was put on bed rest the previous Thursday due to Pre-Eclampsia and release from Triage on Friday the 18th. I had asked Dr. Mann if we could go ahead and do maternity pictures with Jeff on Saturday because we really wanted some pictures and hadn't had the chance to get them done. So he gave us the go ahead, saying to take it easy and not over do it. We didn't. We got some great shots in his nursery then went over the the University of Evansville campus and shot some more. We really can't wait to see how they turned out. I rested the rest of the day on Saturday and Sunday did more of the same. Just hung out trying to keep my blood pressure down and not to feel like complete crap. Sunday as I was getting ready to eat my wonderful pancake breakfast, that we have every Sunday, I began to throw up what little I could actually get down-TURNS OUT, that is not such a great the rest of the day I just took it easy.
I had a doctors appointment (follow up the the Triage admittance and test the previous Thursday and Friday) on Monday morning. Ry took me to his office for a 2 pm appointment. By the time I got back to have my BP done and my urine tested my BP was somewhere in the neighborhood of 168/eighty something. WAY HIGH! So we met with Dr. Mann who insisted we go down to Triage to be monitored for awhile and have more blood work drawn. So we immediately headed downstairs (thank goodness everything is in the same building) and got settled in our little room while I was hooked up to all the monitors. Turns out my liver enzymes were a little more elevated from the week before but they saw no reason to keep me over night. So we left and went home to have dinner and go night night. After dinner I began to have paint in my upper quadrant, right underneath my boobs. It is the oddest pain and VERY VERY VERY uncomfortable, to the point that I began crying and I had yet to really cry at that point. Ryan called mom and mom came over. She suggested I take some Tums, they seemed to help a little but not as much as I was hoping they would. Ultimately the pain subsided enough that I could fall asleep and stay asleep.
On Tuesday I woke up feeling better than the night before but trying to be aware of what I was eating in case I was starting to have gallbladder problems. I cut the fats out of my diet for the day and ate pretty bland. By 4 pm that upper quadrant paint had come back and with full force! I was in excruciating pain! I couldn't get comfortable, the only thing that seemed to help was warm/hot showers and it only relieved it while I was in the actual shower. I was beside myself not know what to do. Mom came over, we tried Mylanta, no such luck. I tried laying, sitting, being on all fours-NOTHING helped. I finally decided to call Dr. Mann's office. They had him call me and when I told him what was going on he said to go to Triage immediately, he was going to talk to Dr. Fitzpatrick (our high risk dr) and decide what needed to be done. He wanted to me to check into triage to start the blood work and be monitored for a while. Upon getting my blood work back, Dr Mann decided they need to induce because my liver enzymes had gotten worse since the day before along with my BP. They did a quick ultrasound to make sure he was head down, which he was and also to check his size. They estimated him to be 7 lbs 9 oz at that point. The go ahead was given and they admitted me to labor and delivery. I was given 2 teenie tiny little pills to start the thinning out of my uterus and the story continues in just a moment....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
A long 24 hours......
I have spent the last 24 in Triage at the Women's hospital. While I feel I NEED to write about this and inform all, I am very tired and worn out. Between not sleeping well and the new blood pressure medicine I have been put on, I am tuckered out and will be turning in for bed at 7 or so tonight! I will update soon though I promise. Mom and baby are doing as well as can be expected and go back to see Dr Mann on Monday at 2 pm. He has also taken me off work until after delivery with bed rest only. Great News right? The Good news though, for real, is they did give me two steroid shots to help Keegans lung develop quicker incase I need to be induced, have a c-section or go into labor quicker.
I will update everyone soon, for now thanks for all the prayers and good wishes!
I will update everyone soon, for now thanks for all the prayers and good wishes!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
33 weeks and not VERY happy.....
So for those of you that don't know, I had to go to Triage on Friday afternoon. I had had a headache for the past 3 days, HUGE feet/ankles, and when mom came to check my BP at work it was pretty high. I called the doctors office and he wanted me to go check in at Triage and be monitored. No biggy right? Well after being monitored for about an hour and half and doing a urine sample. They found that my BP would skyrocket after I got up from a laying/relaxing position. He sent me home with the order of bed rest up to pee and eat only! I was sooo upset, after all I had been looking forward to our maternity pics with Jeff for like 2 months. I had an appointment to have my make-up done and hair done and even some other more Risky pictures done with our friend Dave. But now none of this could happen because I had to lay on the couch all weekend long. You would normally think that is great right? Well since I have been in this position 2 other times (ACL reconstruction surgery and after my car accident in 2006) I knew that this would be no fun. My only saving grace would be Net flix and Face book.
Well I made it through the weekend with my BP being monitored every time I got up and then after resting for a little while. The counts continued to stay higher than normal and the headaches continued too. Monday morning I had to report to Dr. Mann my readings. He wasn't that thrilled with what I reported and wanted me to go home from work and rest. He wants me to play the rest of this week by ear until I see him Thursday morning. So here I am today, home. I went by my mom's on the way to work. BP was 140/90 (this is the point that Dr. Mann doesn't like). Mom is coming by now to take my Bp to see if I can go in to work this afternoon-thank goodness I have saved some extra vacation time! So I will keep you guys updated as far as what Dr. Mann says on Friday. I know during my last appointment he said that he can test my amniotic fluid at 36 weeks to see if its mature, if it is they can induce and we could have Keegan a whole month early. We may have to turn to this if my BP continues to stay high.
On another note, Ry is going out of town on Sunday for a week. He has to go to Chicago on business. My thoughts are, at least he is semi close to home. Mom is going to stay with me so I am not alone! Thank goodness!
Nothing else really new this week, Ry is working on the kitchen remodel and its almost complete! Hopefully by Thanksgiving everything will be 100% b/c we are having 20 people here for dinner!
Movement: Everyday! I am recognizing more a sleep/wake pattern now.
Food Cravings: This homemade dessert Ry makes-Yummy, I am gonna go get a piece now!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: not many contractions this past week
Belly Button in or Out: popping!
Stretch Marks: no new ones, thank goodness
What I miss: normal life!
What I am looking forward to: my doctors appointment Thursday to find out what the heck is going on!
Milestones: can't think of one at the moment!
Well I made it through the weekend with my BP being monitored every time I got up and then after resting for a little while. The counts continued to stay higher than normal and the headaches continued too. Monday morning I had to report to Dr. Mann my readings. He wasn't that thrilled with what I reported and wanted me to go home from work and rest. He wants me to play the rest of this week by ear until I see him Thursday morning. So here I am today, home. I went by my mom's on the way to work. BP was 140/90 (this is the point that Dr. Mann doesn't like). Mom is coming by now to take my Bp to see if I can go in to work this afternoon-thank goodness I have saved some extra vacation time! So I will keep you guys updated as far as what Dr. Mann says on Friday. I know during my last appointment he said that he can test my amniotic fluid at 36 weeks to see if its mature, if it is they can induce and we could have Keegan a whole month early. We may have to turn to this if my BP continues to stay high.
On another note, Ry is going out of town on Sunday for a week. He has to go to Chicago on business. My thoughts are, at least he is semi close to home. Mom is going to stay with me so I am not alone! Thank goodness!
Nothing else really new this week, Ry is working on the kitchen remodel and its almost complete! Hopefully by Thanksgiving everything will be 100% b/c we are having 20 people here for dinner!
Movement: Everyday! I am recognizing more a sleep/wake pattern now.
Food Cravings: This homemade dessert Ry makes-Yummy, I am gonna go get a piece now!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: not many contractions this past week
Belly Button in or Out: popping!
Stretch Marks: no new ones, thank goodness
What I miss: normal life!
What I am looking forward to: my doctors appointment Thursday to find out what the heck is going on!
Milestones: can't think of one at the moment!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
32 weeks, yesterday
So yesterday was our 32 week mark! Let me hear you say-YEA! I decided not to post until today because I had my growth ultrasound this morning with Dr. Fitzpatrick, our high risk doctor. I had my 3rd growth ultrasound. Little Keegan's head is nestled way down in my pelvis so the reading on the head, cross my fingers, is WAY off! Even the tech said it was really hard to get a good measurement because he was so far down! It measured at 41 weeks-WOOOOOWW! His little belly is measuring ahead at 36 weeks, following the same pattern as the last two growth ultrasounds. His weight, albeit an estimate off of the measurements is 6 lbs and 15 oz, I think. The doctor was pleased with his gallbladder situation, everything including his little kidneys were measuring right on target and Dr. Fitzpatrick was overall pleased. I go back to him on October 6th for a 4th growth ultrasound so we will see! Work is starting a poll, and placing money on when he will make his arrival, no one thinks I will actually make it till November! We shall see though, he will make his appearance when he wants~ that's for sure!
Tonight we went and pre-registered for our hospital stay and delivery. We filled out the forms for his social security number (thank goodness b/c we can't get him a savings account at our bank until he has one) and the paperwork for his birth certificate. They asked all sorts of questions about mostly me and they even have his pediatrician on file now! This was the last "BIG" thing we had to do in preparation for his arrival.
Birth Class-CHECK
Breastfeeding class-CHECK
Pre-register at the Hospital-CHECK
This past weekend we worked on the house. Ryan worked on finishing the kitchen remodel, a little more than half the room is painted and primed. While he was doing this I deep cleaned(kinda) the living room, it took me ALL day Saturday! On Sunday Abby came over and helped me organize and put away all things baby. We got his diaper changing area prepped, all his new clothes hung (my goodness do we have a lot of clothes, they even go up to 24 months!), put his new books and stuffed animals away and semi packed both of his diaper bags! We have yet to put together the pack and play or the swing but eventually! I will post pics of the nursery-completely finished-within the next couple of weeks, there are a couple of things I would like to tweak before I post them to the world!
This Saturday we are having maternity pictures taken by the one and only Epic Photography! They have done our engagement, wedding and now maternity photos. They are good friends of our and wouldn't trust this task to anyone but them. I am going to keep our ideas and outfits a surprise until they are ready to post. I don't know about Ryan but I am super excited! I am getting my make-up done at the spa then heading over to Klein's to get my hair cut and styled they off to get pics taken! Will update on that at a later date!
Other than my swelling I have been feeling pretty good. I have gotten into this patten of getting up in the middle of the night and NOT being able to fall back to sleep for the life of me! It sucks! Last night I woke up at about 2:45 to pee and did not end up falling back asleep until 4:30! that is ridiculous! I really needed my rest too since I had to go back to work after a long weekend today! Blah!
Movement: All the time and mostly at the top of the belly where his feet reside!
Food Cravings: Warm cookies and milk, just pulled some out of the oven actually!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: So slight contractions nothing major yet
Belly Button in or Out: Mary Ellen and Abby only think it will be a couple more days till it pops!
Stretch Marks: no new ones, thank goodness
What I miss: shaving my legs easily and wearing "normal" shoes
What I am looking forward to: our Maternity pics!
Milestones: only 8 weeks to go!
Tonight we went and pre-registered for our hospital stay and delivery. We filled out the forms for his social security number (thank goodness b/c we can't get him a savings account at our bank until he has one) and the paperwork for his birth certificate. They asked all sorts of questions about mostly me and they even have his pediatrician on file now! This was the last "BIG" thing we had to do in preparation for his arrival.
Birth Class-CHECK
Breastfeeding class-CHECK
Pre-register at the Hospital-CHECK
This past weekend we worked on the house. Ryan worked on finishing the kitchen remodel, a little more than half the room is painted and primed. While he was doing this I deep cleaned(kinda) the living room, it took me ALL day Saturday! On Sunday Abby came over and helped me organize and put away all things baby. We got his diaper changing area prepped, all his new clothes hung (my goodness do we have a lot of clothes, they even go up to 24 months!), put his new books and stuffed animals away and semi packed both of his diaper bags! We have yet to put together the pack and play or the swing but eventually! I will post pics of the nursery-completely finished-within the next couple of weeks, there are a couple of things I would like to tweak before I post them to the world!
This Saturday we are having maternity pictures taken by the one and only Epic Photography! They have done our engagement, wedding and now maternity photos. They are good friends of our and wouldn't trust this task to anyone but them. I am going to keep our ideas and outfits a surprise until they are ready to post. I don't know about Ryan but I am super excited! I am getting my make-up done at the spa then heading over to Klein's to get my hair cut and styled they off to get pics taken! Will update on that at a later date!
Other than my swelling I have been feeling pretty good. I have gotten into this patten of getting up in the middle of the night and NOT being able to fall back to sleep for the life of me! It sucks! Last night I woke up at about 2:45 to pee and did not end up falling back asleep until 4:30! that is ridiculous! I really needed my rest too since I had to go back to work after a long weekend today! Blah!
Movement: All the time and mostly at the top of the belly where his feet reside!
Food Cravings: Warm cookies and milk, just pulled some out of the oven actually!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: So slight contractions nothing major yet
Belly Button in or Out: Mary Ellen and Abby only think it will be a couple more days till it pops!
Stretch Marks: no new ones, thank goodness
What I miss: shaving my legs easily and wearing "normal" shoes
What I am looking forward to: our Maternity pics!
Milestones: only 8 weeks to go!

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