So yesterday we reached the 21 week marker! YEA! Its hard to believe, as I think I commented last week that we are this far along. I am sorry to not have posted sooner, last week I was in insurance school ALL WEEK LONG pretty much 8-5 then my big IDOI (Indiana Department of Insurance) test was this morning. Its a 160 question exam and they give you 160 minutes to complete it. You need a 67% to pass and yep you guessed (and thank goodness) I passed. I only got a 70% but it was way hard! I am glad to have that stressor behind me! Let me tell you. This past Saturday I ordered our crib off the Wal-Mart website, it should be at our local Wal-Mart by next week!
All of our bedding has arrived and we even found some pieces to match at our local Babies 'R Us in the clearance section. We were totally excited to score those finds! We got our matching mobile, changing pad cover and Argyle blanket, yea for clearance! Hopefully the weekend of July 4th we can get a good deal on paint, Lowe's and/or Home Depot always run a $5 dollar per gallon rebate on paint at most holidays, so since we need like 3-4 gallons of different colors we figured it wouldn't hurt to wait to get $15-$20 off, every little bit helps!
We started the registering process last weekend and boy what a challenge that is! Unlike our wedding registry, which was stuff we wanted/needed, these are things for a little human being that we are totally unsure of what he will like or end up needing. We started with Babies 'R Us, we were a little taken away by the daunting task but managed to get quite a bit added, we do need to make some changes though! We have also decided to register at Wal-Mart as opposed to Target because we had some difficult times with the Target return policy after our wedding. I did find some cute swings, jumpers and pack and plays on the Wal-Mart website that I just loved! Plus I would love to register for a little red wagon (because every little boy needs one) and a little Tyke Swing!
So far this week I have been feeling pretty good, large but good. I think I am slowly loosing my energy level again, either that or its just my oxygen supply being depleted ever so slowly! I did reach a big milestone this week, I had to take my belly button ring (which has been in for about 10 years) out b/c it was starting to rip and it was hurting really bad! I also had some pretty sharp pains on my right side about mid way through last week, after I looked it up in the books, my sister in law, and my all knowing mother, we believe they were round ligament pain. I just laid on my left side for about 30 minutes with a pillow between my legs until the pain subsided

. I did call Dr. Mann on Friday just to confirm that that was what it was and he seemed to think so. Haven't had the problem since, thank goodness!
On to the updates for this week, this week baby Keegan is :
It is shocking how big he is getting in there! I think I am feeling him moving more and more. He tends to be most active in the evening and when I go to bed at night, It makes me feel so much better when I can feel him in there, kind of eases my mind!
Best Moment of the Week: Passing my insurance exam, unrelated to baby but none the less, very exciting!
Movement: Getting stronger and stronger
Food Cravings: Sweet Tea!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or Out: In, but working its way outward!
Stretch Marks: yep!
What I miss: Coffee
What I am looking forward to: Our 2nd BIG ultrasound Friday, anytime we get to see him up on the monitor it makes it more and more real!
Milestones: Belly button ring it out, hopefully if I can loose enough weight post baby I will get it re-pierced! Its my only goal at this point!