26 weeks today....this only means one thing.....14 weeks or less until our little (big) Keegan makes his appearance in this world! WOW! How time has flown. Are we ready for the drastic turn that our lives are gonna make in the coming weeks? I would like to think so but who is ever REALLY ready? I keep telling myself that we have my mom close to us that we can turn to and a bunch of close friends to give us advice and lots of family with words of wisdom. We can do this!
This past week was craziness, to be quite honest and I am glad we won't be doing any major traveling anytime soon. It was great to see family and hang out with them the short time we were in Millersburg both Ryan and I are whipped! 6 hours there and 6 hours back will definitely take its toll. Our first baby shower was Saturday and it was really a fun time. At all of my bridal showers I hated the fact that I was the center of attention. It got better this time around although I was still bothered by all the eyes on me! We got a bunch of very cute clothes and a few things off our registry which definitely helps out! We also picked up our travel system that Toni found at a yardsale for $50. It is the Evenflow Embrace travel system and it ROCKS! I LOVE it and so happy we only paid $50 for it and its practically brand new! I am not quite sure what to do with
The nursery is almost done, a few minor things to touch up and then the carpets are going to be clean. I am hoping by this weekend we can set up the crib and dresser, maybe the bookcase if we have time and I can actually start to put away all the clothes I am washing! Yea for making progess.
Nothing else really new, we start our child birth classes tomorrow night at the Women's Hospital. I am very anxious to see what there is to learn about child birthing although I have a feeling if baby Keegan continues to
Other than some of these small things, nothing too new. The next month is kinda busy with a friends baby shower, childbirthing classes, breastfeeding class, ultrasounds, and my baby shower thrown by my sisters.
Best Moment of the Week: Scheduling my pre-registration appointment for the birth of our son!
Food Cravings: Nuts!
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or Out: In, but working its way outward!
Stretch Marks: yep!
What I miss: Subway sandwhiches
What I am looking forward to: Jenna's Baby Shower on Saturday and the nursery being finished.
Milestones: hugh, drawing a blank on this one as of the moment!