Man, I've been gone from the blogging world for 4-5 months. It feels like forever. Lots of stuff has happened and is happening around The Chupp house. While I want to go into all that, this post is gonna be short and sweet.
I wanted to take a minute today and recognize the fact that Keegan would have been 3 1/2 years old today! I can hardly believe it. The 23rd of the month is a very important day in our lives as our that is the day our light, our purpose, our reason for being "parents" was brought into this world. To celebrate this day brings both happiness and sadness as you can imagine. But in this world of grief it is possible for tears and smiles to coexist in a beautiful way.
I laugh at the memories of the 2 birthdays we did get to spend and I cry for the birthdays he will never get a chance to enjoy.
He liked cake (if you couldn't tell), so maybe in his honor I will go get some cupcakes and have one for him. Its the least I can do on this very important milestone. I miss you baby, not a day goes by that I don't think of you and wish with all my might that I am just living a bad dream and will wake up any minute.

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